Children's Church

Following the song service during morning worship, Fellowship children’s church ministry provides a structured, interactive and age-appropriate service for children ages 4 through 2nd grade.

Children’s church in our designated children’s building includes fun songs, bible stories, devotions, crafts, game time and a chance for the children to give an offering.

Our children’s offering is designated to Samaritan’s Purse for the purchase of goats for underdeveloped communities in foreign countries.

Children sermons emphasize God’s love for all, and we incorporate talks about sin and salvation.  Our intent is to help them realize their need for Jesus, as well as the need to share Him with others!


Our Wednesday night AWANA program (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) is a cornerstone children’s program at Fellowship.  Children ages 3 through 6th grade participate, with recreation and snack included.  Younger children focus on the greatness of God and His Word, the promised Savior, and simple biblical truths.  Older children focus on people and events of the Bible and learning to grow in God’s grace.

The goal in AWANA is to reach children with the gospel to train them to serve Him, and we emphasize that serving God means serving others.

Vacation Bible School

The mission of VBS at Fellowship Baptist Church is to reveal God to children through fun themes and interactive learning. God’s word is used during every VBS activity, craft, and teaching. We want kids to leave with His word in their hearts and minds and to build everything else in their lives upon it.

We often hear that the children are the church of tomorrow, but they are our church of today! Many times, bringing our children to VBS opens the door for parents and other family members to get to know the church and engage with fellow believers. VBS is a way for children and adults to form relationships that will last a lifetime.

VBS at Fellowship is held in early June and is open to children ages 4 to 6th grade!


Vacation Bible School Registration

Registration for the Vacation Bible School is now open. Please click link below.



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